Friday, March 26, 2010

Regular Decisions Released Tonight!

Regular decisions will be released tomorrow at 8:00 AM! Look on your OPUS account and you will be able to view your decision and your letter online. You will also be receiving a decision packet and hard copy of your letter next week. Good luck with your decisions and remember to sign up for our Spring for Oxford events for accepted students.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alternative Spring Break 2010

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”
This is why we have spring break! So, Jacks and Jills across the United States can take a breather from academics and extracurriculars. Still, sometimes work and play can be a match made in heaven. Trust me, I worked and played this spring break and loved every moment of it. 

I always thought that my first college spring break would include a tropical vista, bikinis, crystal clear water, my best girlfriends, days of much needed R&R and a really expensive price tag. I was prepared for this and ready to shell out the big bucks to have a typical, run-of-the-mill spring break—that is, until I heard about Alternative Spring Break.

Here at Oxford, the Alternative Spring Break trip is insanely popular. You can’t just sign up and go—you have to apply and be chosen. Being the person I am (I sign up for everything) I applied and I got it. I actually didn’t expect to be chosen. I had plans to go to Puerto Rico but a chance at ASB pushed that all aside. I still had an awesome time but it was significantly less expensive than Puerto Rico and I worked with a great cause!

I probably have y'all wondering: “What makes ASB so special?” Well, let me start from the very beginning.
A group of 29 students (including myself) and five faculty and staff volunteers (including Dean of Campus Life, Joe Moon) traveled to New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama last Saturday at the beginning of our spring break. We spent the following week taking in New Orleans culture and food (yum!), bonding, having warm and fuzzy moments, soaking up some sun on the Gulf Shores, and building a six bedroom house for a family of 13 (yes thirteen!) African refugees with Habitat for Humanity.

I’m still amazed that we managed to fit everything that we did into seven days. It was a truly awesome experience. I didn’t know anyone going on the trip but the trip really encouraged us to bond and talk to new people. We’re like one big happy family now :) We learned how to work together, have fun together, and live together. Now, we can’t get enough of each other! We’ve actually been having mini ASB reunions ever since school started again.

Check out this link for our news coverage!

'Til Next Time,

Imani :)

P.S. Happy St. Patty's Day, Y'all!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Springing Forward!

Spring is here and the quad is blooming with excitement! The students just came back from spring break (as Lizzy noted) and the end of the semester is approaching. We had two groups of students go to some unique locations this spring break. A group of 32 students chose to forego the usual tanning, swimming, and beach activities to build a house in Mobile, AL. We also had a group of student that traveled to Ecuador for Dr. McQuaide's Social Change in Developing Societies course.
Look out for Oxford 101 which will be on March 21st. This event is for 9th-11th graders who would like to gain a good insight into the college application process. Register online today!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The End of Spring Break

I'm actually writing this blog post from 36,005' in the air (thank you Delta and inflight Wi-Fi!). Well, it's the end of spring break. Less than 2 months of the semester left and then I shall be graduating from Oxford. It's scary knowing that I won't be coming back to Oxford in the fall. It's also scary that I only have about 6 weeks until finals (so much work to do!).

Anyways... much has happened so far this semester. I joined Gamma Phi Beta at the Atlanta campus. It has been a wonderful experience. I have met so many wonderful people through the sorority and I'm excited to be at the Atlanta campus full-time next year to take full advantage of the sorority. This week is clue week, so I'll be getting "clues" from my big sister (I don't know who she is yet... hence the clues). I'm quite excited. It's something nice to come back from spring break to. I declared a Biology major and as of right now, I am pursuing a MD/PhD dual degree. I applied to several summer research programs, but I have not heard back from all of them yet.

Spring break was a lot of fun. I went back home to NYC with a friend of mine. We did a lot of sight-seeing around the city: The Bronx Zoo, the Statue of Liberty, MoMA, Guggenheim, every Apple store (Curtis works at an Apple store in Georgia), and lots of walking throughout the city. We also saw a lot of shows: In the Heights (I was blown away!), Joan Rivers, God of Carnage, The Addams Family (so amazing - it's going to be a huge hit!) and The Miracle Worker (Abigail Breslin was amazing as Helen Keller and Allison Pill was an excellent Anne Sullivan). And of course some shopping! Haha.

Well, we should be getting ready for landing soon. Much more later!

Peace and love,