So, I'm taking a summer class at Fordham College this summer: Introduction to International Politics. Today was the first day of class. Syllabus day! I love it. That way I can plan out the rest of the semester (or in this case, the next five weeks). I have a lot of reading to do though... The professor wants the New York Times read, which is not really an issue -- I had to do that for PoliSci 101 with Shapiro and I love to read the New York Times. My high school would supply seniors with free issues everyday -- that I miss from high school. Otherwise, there's a lot of reading to do. I have to read Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History by Joseph S. Nye. I had already started reading it before the class began (I purchased all my books from the class last week - which is also another favorite day of mine during the semester, when I purchased all my books). The book seems interesting so far and to the point, which is good.
Well, I must be off to reading... International Conflict. The State of Nature. Woo! John Locke!
Library Renovations Update
14 years ago